

picture by the ghost in the machine (c)

"Les secteurs d’une ville sont, à un certain niveau, lisibles. Mais le sens qu’ils ont eu pour nous, personnellement, est intransmissible, comme toute cette clandestinité de la vie privée, sur laquelle on ne possède jamais que des documents dérisoires."
Guy Debord
Critique de la séparation, 1961

à propos de dérive, d'art psychogéographique et de géométrie, plus de détails avec ADRIFT, un blog situationniste sous haute influence.

In late 1950's, situationist protagonists, Raoul Vanegeim, Ralph Rumney and Guy Debord invented the art ov the derive and its theory called psychogeography, combining objective and subjective knowledge.

"In a dérive one or more persons during a certain period drop their usual motives for movement and action, their relations, their work and leisure activities, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there…But the dérive includes both this letting go and its necessary contradiction: the domination of psychogeographical variations by the knowledge and calculation of their possibilities."

Documentation about derive with ADRIFT's blog, HERE.

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